Sunday 3 August 2014

Tattoo Aftercare Tips and Instructions to be followed

Tattoo is a great body art done by professionals. Once you decide to get it done on your body, choosing a reputable and a professional tattoo artist is the initial step towards having this body art. The aftercare of your new tattoo is yet another crucial step else even the best work can be ruined with poor aftercare.

Here is an overview of what instructions to follow in order to keep your tattoo clean:

Initial Care and Cleaning:

If you have already chosen a professionally sound artist then he will completely inform you about all tips and instructions on how to take care of your tattoo. A normal tattoo takes around 7 to 14 days to look completely healed depending upon its placement, size and style. You must listen to your tattoo artist and follow his instructions unless and until you get it all right. Instructions of artists may vary but they will always be on similar grounds. 

Once the tattoo is complete, the artist himself will clean the area. An anti-bacterial ointment will be applied and will cover the tattoo with a bandage. He will also do some dressing if required. The bandage must be on for around 2 to 24 hours. If you have got the tattoo made where it is difficult to use a standard bandage then a clear plastic film is used.

As far as removing the bandage is concerned, it should again be done cautiously. To remove the bandage you must soak it in warm water in order to prevent it from sticking to your skin and then once wet it will come out easily.

Washing the Tattoo:

After removing the bandage, you must wash the tattoo gently with lukewarm water until all traces of ink or blood are removed. Use an antimicrobial soap for washing the tattooed skin. One should never use a loofah or any kind of cloth to clean the tattoo rather it should be gently done with your hands. 
Air Dry:

After washing, let the tattoo air dry and it should be left uncovered for 20 minutes to around 1 hour. This will allow a breathing space for the tattoo and the extra moisture will be evaporated.


Apply ointment once the tattoo is completely dry. Apply a thin layer of the ointment. For 3 to 5 days apply antibacterial ointment after each time you wash the tattoo.

These are some of the tattoo aftercare steps that one must follow.

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